Our investigators conduct in-person and telephonic recorded statements and then produce high quality written reports. Our bilingual team of investigators can obtain any information you need for your case. We understand how important recorded statements are for litigation. Great care must be taken to properly interview and document the testimony of the individuals. How they are approached can be a determining factor in how cooperative and useful the statements are in the long run.

Statements have three primary purposes

1. SETTLEMENT – to develop information and “investigate” a case in the classic sense for purposes of settlement;

2. PRESERVATION – to serve as a recorded recollection of a witness whose memory might fade legitimately with the passage of time; and

3. IMPEACHMENT – to document testimony and provide a reliable standard against which a potentially hostile witness might later be held with regard to testimony from the witness stand.


For cases which telephonic recorded statements can be conducted, our private investigators are ready to set up appointments with the individuals at any time day or night and be able to provide audio files to you in a timely matter.

In person

For cases which require in person recorded statements, our investigator can provide our clients with audio and even video documentation of the individual’s testimony. This method has been proven to be very successful for all types of litigation.